Our 1300 came with a Givi Top case already fitted which saved me a few cents but I have always had trouble with the lid in that it didn't want to stay open.
The original system was ok but the lid is to heavy for them and the lid would just close. Standard lid open position but held up by Heather.

Not satisfied with that I sent Givi a Facebook message earlier in the year asking if their was a fix for the issue and the reply was in the positive with a subsequent request for my address so that they could send me the fix; what ever that was.
Not knowing where the package was coming from I waited a few weeks and nothing in the mail so another message sent with an apology in the reply and it would attended to. A few more weeks went by and still nothing in the post after another message was sent with sent the reply was that they will be sent out to the Australian distributor with their next three monthly order (from Italy); guess the postage would be cheaper that way and that's ok but that info a little earlier would have been good for customer service.
Not sure when they arrived in Australia but I received the parcel today via one of Tolls contractors in our area.

The new straps (????) in place; maybe a little to long but good enough. A little bit of soap to get the red bits into the strap holes.

Now I have a top case lid that doesn't attack me and actually stays open.