As some of you may recall, after I came back from Thailand in January I had problems with the bike not wanting to move.
The first place I started looking, was the clutch. I took the front of the bike off, including right exhaust and crash bar just to get at one clutch bolt. (sorry no pics of this journey) The clutch was disassembled, and all the components were examined and worn parts replaced ( about $300 worth). All bits refitted and buttoned up, and guess what?? Something was still slipping and grinding..
Oh well, next likely culprit was probably the rear wheel drive spline, so out with the tools and off with the brakes and wheel....
Brake pads were a bit worn, so I decided to get replacements from Metal gear for that. On looking at the drive spline, I noticed a some what scary saw tooth gear arrangement. Not good so pull it off and the cush rubbers as they were a bit cracked and worn and sat back to wait for the parts to arrive at Honda. Not too bad a wait, only two weeks and the gave me a good discount on the parts.
Parts arrived, fitted and back wheel in. Push the wheel to see if everything was seated and the dreaded graunch clunk was still there. So off the wheel came, examine everything and found that the right hand axle spacer was in backwards. Turn it around assemble, Fault still there.
Bugger, I need a beer, and maybe an ST1300 in white.