Where do you get 144,000kms from? ...........the manual I have says 150,000kms for timing belt change.
The manual thats online, I guess its a literal calculation from 90K miles. 150000ks is rounded up slightly.
I think it more the other way around as the 1100 is European designed bike ..........so just a case of rounding down to an easy number to remember after the KMs to miles conversion for the non metric countries.
Looking at my belt after it's removal at 150,000kms showed no signs of cracking or anything visible but it may have stretched a little.
In Wendy's case, the maintenance is the same as her current bike (guessing you have the base model)......the only extra is the ABS and under normal operation shouldn't need anything done. Just a little care when removing the wheels so that you don't damage the ABS sensors.
When the key is turned on you'll get TCS/ABS warning lights coming on and the orange TCS (Traction Control) light will go out after the self test. ABS lights will go out within a couple turns of the wheels if the self test is ok.
Oh and linked brakes.........slightly different ball game.