Hi Guys,
I thought I would place this here in General Questions (Site Moderators, you're welcome to move it if you feel I was wrong) because I have a couple of questions and a general thoughts discussion, and rather than have multiple, it can all be in one place...
Okay to the first... I seem to be having some issues with my Speedo-cable, it has snapped a 3rd time in as many months, and I am sick of replacing it. If first thought I was being a cheapskate and buying an OEM cable to save money, and when that snapped I thought okay... I will do what I should have done in the first place, and that was to buy Genuine Honda replacement, again from David Silver Repairs in the UK, nothing to do with him, he has a the best place I have found for parts for these bikes, but I must be doing something wrong - your thoughts please, because I don't want to buy another one for about $50.00 and have it snap again in 3 months time, plus I don't have a job at the moment, so can't really afford it.
The second... I was so happy that my seat was still in original condition for a bike of its age that mine is, and then over the past few months, it has progressively gotten worse, with cracks and a split across the top and is now held on with tape to hopefully stop it getting worse. I would like to have it repaired or re-upholstered to keep it as original, or do you guys have suggestions where I could go in Australia (Victoria ideally) when we're allowed to, to replace it.
Your thoughts would be really helpful.