Similar has been discussed Sabie........OzSToc is assessing the interest the RAN generates in this current formate and then consideration to extending the smartphone option as access for the future aswell......the confidentiality of personal information is the paramount concern, cheers for your ideas.
I thought I was part of OzSTOC.....
I'm gunna go over and sit in the corner while "OzSTOC" sorts it all out.
Hey there's a worm over here....I wonder what the taste like????
This is very simple. We will not be publishing the RAN list details to the club, it is there simply and only for if someone is in trouble they can ring the Ran List phone number to see if there is someone in their area that could help.
PRIVACY has been our biggest stumbling block with the RAN List. People who have volunteered themselves for the list, quite a number have insisted on privacy and that is what we are going to respect.
As much as we would like to publish a map or locations, we don't think it is fair to the people who don't want anything published, as they might be on the list, but not in a position to help on the day you are in need of help, we dont want anyone feeling pushed into a position they have to help if they can't at the time.
The RAN list is built around, if your in trouble, ring, if there is no one in your area that can help, then you move onto your next solution.
We will be publishing a phone number of the RAN List that you can ring to talk to ST2UP and Pocket Stocker
We are still refining how this is going to work, but our most important thing with this is that PRIVACY of all those involved is respected totally and completely.
Patience peoples this is a work in progress