Honda ST1300 Section > Oils, Oil Filters & Servicing ST1300

Oil spills when servicing - how do you avoid them?


For the love of toasted cheese sandwiches - why o why can't I ever change the oil without having to curse whilst running for the degreaser and rags?!!!     :OldMan

Any ideas?

I've tried the 'tin foil' thing!     :fp

Cheers, Diesel

Some ideas here mate....

Not having any spill issues now I have found the knack.....the oil change is so quick and easy now that I made add this task to Pockey's domestic chores list  :Stirpot :whistle


I have also found that doing up the sump plug before pouring in the new oil works wonders  :||||

I find that if you spill the oil, then an old hair bristle broom is what you need. (It makes it easy to spread the oil evenly over the drive way so it can soak into the concrete. This allows even colouring, and water proof the drive nicely.

 :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


--- Quote from: saaz on August 19, 2014, 08:34:20 PM ---I have also found that doing up the sump plug before pouring in the new oil works wonders  :||||

--- End quote ---

Yes definitely :wht11 an advantage :grin.......................................................


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