Farkles, Gear & Accessories > Camping Gear and Touring

Cooling Vests

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Thinking about investing in a cooling vest.
They aren't cheap and I'll not sure they work, couldn't find any decent reviews on the interweb.


* Who's got one?
* Who's worn one? and
* do they work, for how long and are they worth the money and if so how much?

We have a Silver Eagle Classic cooling vest.
It's very effective in hot weather when worn under a mesh jacket, and will keep cool for a couple of hours by evaporation of the water, and only costs $132

Poppy Dave:
I have several LDComfort items (helmet liner, riding shorts, t-shirt and sheeves)they work really well and they're reasonably priced.

I recommend them.

Poppy Dave                                             :wht13


--- Quote from: Totgas on February 23, 2014, 10:03:52 PM ---Thinking about investing in a cooling vest.
They aren't cheap and I'll not sure they work, couldn't find any decent reviews on the interweb.


* Who's got one?
* Who's worn one? and
* do they work, for how long and are they worth the money and if so how much?
--- End quote ---

I sell them at work, they range in price from $40 dollars for bottom of the range up to $200 ish for the bells and whistles, I am on my iPad so I don't have all the info with me, but they are good for a few hours, and as Pete said best under a mesh jacket.

+1 on the LDComfort items, their website gives details on the workings


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