We called in on Karen for a few hours today on our way to National Rally, they are moving on with life with Karens strong will and resiliance support the family along.
Karen found her self home alone last weekend and was collected by some of Brads other motorcycle club the Blue Knights for a lunch run in the Harrington area, motorcycles road and dirt have been a big part of their lives along with the Brad and the kids other passion sailing.
We had lunch with Karen and watched a video/photo tribute to Brad, with footage of the Police/Blue Knights/RFS cortage, tears flowed quiet freely. The Hats that made Brad who he was, his former Police, RFS, Aukubra and his OzSToc cap lay upon the coffin.
We have invitied Karen to still attend the Christmas in July at Uralla as they had such a great time at the Ebor RTE that they registered early for the Uralla Christmas in July RTE.