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Help! Advice wanted on FI error


Need advice from long term knowledgable owners.
I recently got the dreaded F26 - RHS knock sensor error. After researching all the depressing information available on the internet I was sure I needed a new (or if available 2nd hand ) ecu.
After checking the price on a new one $$$ thousands, I was contemplating just parting out the bike as it's present day value didn't justify a repair.
Then following the manual's directions to clear the fault code the error hasn't returned YET.
My question is :- is this just an indication that the ecu is on it's way out and I should get rid of the bike OR did the sensor just do it's job that it was designed to do and I did have a one off engine knock due to , I don't know, low octane fuel or something?
All opinions gratefully received.

The problem from my reading seems to be a breakdown of the sensor lead. Some have had success in replacing the lead, tho it does not seem like a job for those with little electrical knowledge.

Yes. I have also read that the cable can become damaged from heat from the exhaust but mine looks ok. I will pull it all out and check though.

Just thought I'd add to the post I made mid year about my FI problem. After changing out the knock sensor and checking out every other source of fault I came to the conclusion that I have a faulty ecu.
Like others before me I have decided to live with the FI light staying on as it doesn't seem to cause any other issues.
I still love riding the bike so if this is my only problem I will stick with it unless someone wants to throw me a good ecu for free.   ;-*
Thank you to those who offered solutions.

I replaced the cable (same as a Honda Odyssey, I think?) with no improvement. I then replaced the ECU and the fault disappeared, but several months later it reappeared and remains.
When the sensor fails and you ride with the F1 light on, the engine exhaust gets particularly hot and melts the cable/connector. So that needs to be replaced.
My guess is that the sensor fails somehow and damages the ECU, so both need to be replaced together alomng with the cable to resolve the fault.


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