Honda ST1100 Section > Seats & Windscreen Modifications ST1100

Laminar Lip for ST1100 OEM screen

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    I am considering a LL for my stock screen which has been refitted for Summer after 185,000 km with a 535mm tall screen.  I have done some testing with the OEM screen and conclude that I need at least 125mm of upward flow to be worthwhile. So my questions are:

1. Where is the lip optimum placement on an OEM screen to reduce buffeting and provide a smooth laminar flow? Is that with the lip level with the standard screen or 1 inch above or elsewhere? Is this provided in the ST1100 instructions?

2. With the lip set in 1. will it then move the air flow up at least 125mm(5inches)?

I have communicated with without success in getting this information.

Regards Garry

Hi Garry,

I had a Laminar Lip on my old 1990 ST1100.
It came with the bike and was awesome for me (I'm 190cm tall).

See the below pictures for the positioning of it on the bike :thumbsup



Hi Shiney, I am 196 cm tall so very interested in your feedback. Can you confirm

1. Where was the LL was located? Looks about 1.5 inches (4cm) higher than the stoc screen? Was that by instructions provided or you testing different heights?

2. How much upward flow did this position create? Did the wind flow clear your helmet?


I see you can buy the Laminar Lip on eBay...

For the extra $50 - $60 bucks, I think I'd rather go for the extra tall (22") screen from Bike-Quip as it looks, in my opinion, much sleeker and less like an add-on but I guess that's very much a personal choice...  :popcorn

Thanks Rusty. I am pretty sure that ebay seller is Australian Motorcycle Components which retails the lip. I can get tall screens in Melbourne but will try lower screens as the ST feels better on corner entry. Being so tall the stock screen air flow hits my Helmet chin piece which is ok.

When I bought the bike new I was into travelling large distances at relativley high speed (120 Kmh+). I have used a 535 mm screen for 185,000 km. But now 25 years later speed limits are enforced and I am older. I am not really interested in doing more than 600km in day.

If I can get the lip to work I will only use it on long trips and winter. If I cannot then probably reduce the oem screen to 360mm for a summer use and get a new touring screen of 550mm from Screens for Bikes. 



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