Evenin' All...
Ta for that John, much appreciated...will try and arrange a time to catch up...I am 'batching' it for a couple of months so I might jump in the car one day for a trip to the Capitol...will see.
Presently have the bike apart (again :()...my 'resolved' H2O leak has reoccurred, which wasn't in the script...tis that pesky thermostat by-pass line with that most common of I.D's 5.3mm (7/32"),
NOT! >:(
...anyway I have chosen to gain access it by the Ear Nose and Throat surgeon who takes the Proctologist's approach of undertaking a tonsillectomy by going in via the bum...I have removed the fuel tank and gained access from below and behind

...Anyway I'll try and track down some 7/32" ID hose next week.
Anyway best get back to the topic...A Mate here recently picked up an '84 1000 'Brick' for a grand, it also came with heaps of leather jackets, full leather suits, Cord Jackets and pants, hand crafted 'Medal' boots (3 pairs), tools, spares and 4 draw filing cabinet...looks good, but dunno if it's a goer without spending a few bob on it. I was surprised of the level of electronic gizmos on it, just wonder if they'll all work when he gets to power it up...will see.
In any case I personally think that the ST's now look less dated that all of the 'Bricks' of the same period

Ciao, the can :)