Hey guys,
Now everyone is back and settled...
I need your videos
Please send me all your videos so I can put together a montage of the rally into one cool vid for the OZSTOC site.
Videos can by uploaded to my Google Drive. You need to be signed into a google account, once signed in simply drag and drop, (let me know if you need any help)
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6gh9KZdz06PMHJSbGV5cUZuNTA&usp=drive_webOr you can use a free service called wetransfer to send upto 2GB files (you need to input my email address marcusstringer@gmail.com)
https://www.wetransfer.com/Or you can you burn them to a DVD or a memory stick and send to (include your return address so I can send it back to you)
Marcus Stringer
6 Mariners Reef Road, Maryborough, Vic 3465
Or stap them to a Carrier Pigeon. Whatever works for you. Just send them in.