OzSTOC Events National & Local > QUEENSLAND

SE QLD RTE 19th November 2011


S.E Queensland OzSTOC

is going for a ride on the 19th of November, for this little trip we thought we would head out to Kingaroy for lunch.

at this stage we thought the Commerical Hotel http://g.co/maps/ed43p would bea  good idea, decent meals, Saloon Couchs, seems like a nice place for a stop and a chat.

I (Streak) and Mrs Streak will be heading up there from toowoomba, and sure as the rest of you will be heading from the Brisbane way, Diesel i am sure will come up with one of his ever fantastic map goggled rides, I really have to find some more toowoomba members you know....

At this Stage we dont have a meet or leave time yet, this will be updated as we go along, Planning on getting there around 11.30-12ish is the idea

Please Post Below if you want to attend


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