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36 litre Fridge Freezer

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If it a Peltier type solid state cooler devise as  compered against a proper compressor type ( ENGEL, or WAECO).  do not expect it to be very efficient when and if you are expecting it to quickly cool down anything  that is at  room temperature IE. say around 20deg. C . Or to actually freeze anything. They,  The Peltier coolers have a very limited temperature operating capability, and in my experience are only really use full when the contents can be precooled before loading it up. Would probably work ok if the ambient temperatures did not exceed 20 to say 25 deg. C . Absolutely useless if ambient is around the 35 deg C.mark


--- Quote from: winston66 on April 12, 2019, 07:21:58 PM ---If it a Peltier type solid state cooler devise as  compered against a proper compressor type ( ENGEL, or WAECO).  do not expect it to be very efficient when and if you are expecting it to quickly cool down anything  that is at  room temperature IE. say around 20deg. C . Or to actually freeze anything. They,  The Peltier coolers have a very limited temperature operating capability, and in my experience are only really use full when the contents can be precooled before loading it up. Would probably work ok if the ambient temperatures did not exceed 20 to say 25 deg. C . Absolutely useless if ambient is around the 35 deg C.mark

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I have one of those coolers, takes ages to cool down and they work better with an ice brick or two.

This one seems to have 12 volt DC compressor and uses R134a gas in the specs with a temp setting range of -20C to +20C at an ambient temp of 25C.

At $400 it's just on a wish list rather a need it list.


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