I was walking home one day from the ST shop where I'd bought myself one of those new STeak Burgers and a STout Larger. Anywho I was walking along minding my own bees knees eating my STeak Burger and drinking my STout when I saw a white rabbit slip down an OzSTOC hole at the base of tree. Well, that's something you don't see everyday so I gave pursuit of that white rabbit into the OzSTOC hole.
But the hole was deep and I fell......when I landed I was in a wondrous world of ST1100's and ST1300's, the guy running it had a Streak of uncannyness about him of a Cheshire Cat and his side kick a Mad Hatter of a bloke who loved Diesel for some unknown reason. Oh how we laughed and laughed we had so much fun.
Then one day an Ev........... ah but that another story for another time......
And that's how I became a member of the world of OzSTOC
The End