Honda ST1300 Section > Seats & Windscreen Modifications ST1300

Aftermarket Windscreen Advice ST1300 7Jurock screens?

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I am narrowing down my final choices for replacing my stock ST1300 windscreen.

I am tiered of the buffeting noise, wind in my eyes and side wind pushing...

I ride with a "Shark VisionR" helmet with the visor 3/4 open and eyes about 10 cm over the top of the screen.

the shipping fees to Aus are significant and it irkes me that shipping is so costly.... I guess I am a tight  :butt     haha  :rofl

I have narrowed selection to "Bike Quip" from UK ($270) or "CeeBaily" from the US ($260)

Has anyone fit or had any experience with the "7jurock" company from the US?
rrp US $140 I have requested a quote for shipping to Aus yesterday and will update (if and when....) I hear back from them. Doesn't look like they will ship to Aus on main website...

I have a CalSci screen which was on the bike when I bought it, so I don't know how it compares with other makes, but I have no issues with it. I always wear earmold earplugs though so the noise is greatly reduced . . . I want to preserve what little hearing I have left . . . And my sight too . . Some refer to me as that "one eyed, deaf old Bustard"

I have had Eagle screens on my 1100 and found them to be quite good too . . . They are manufactured in Perth.

Both Calsci and Eagle make a variety of sizes and tints.



Hi zevk. here is a link to my comments on a CalSci screen I fitted to my ST back in 2012.
It makes it a bit easier to handle the postage costs if u include the heated grips if u need them.

                              :grin :blk13 :grin

Just make sure they are made of the right type of plastic - polycarbonate

Wild Rose:
A big + for the Cal-Sci screen  :like


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