OzSTOC Events National & Local > NORTHERN TERRITORY

OZSTOC New Year's Eve Party

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--- Quote from: StinkyPete on October 25, 2013, 07:54:18 PM ---I'm very tempted......

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Don't be tempted Pete, just do it :KissBlow

West Aussie Glen:
Thanks for the invite Wendy but for a long time we have been putting off being in Sydney for the NYE fireworks so a few weeks ago we booked for Sydney. Would love to see the Darwinn storms one year. Hope you have a good time.


--- Quote from: West Aussie Glen on October 25, 2013, 10:38:53 PM ---Thanks for the invite Wendy but for a long time we have been putting off being in Sydney for the NYE fireworks so a few weeks ago we booked for Sydney. Would love to see the Darwinn storms one year. Hope you have a good time.

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At least the fireworks are fairly predictable and reliable regarding their timing.

Isn't there a lot of those circular type storms up your way around then??


--- Quote from: Sabie on October 26, 2013, 12:56:33 AM ---Isn't there a lot of those circular type storms up your way around then??

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BOM are threatening us with 3-5 of them this year, but that's in the whole NT region, including Gulf of Carpentaria and all the way to the WA border.  If it's anything like last year, Qld will steal all our good weather (read rain and storms) again.


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