Honda ST1100 Section > Suspension ST1100

Fork remove etc

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Hi ppl, the next time I replace my front tyre, I am considering replacing the fluid in the forks, and maybe the springs. Now, from what I have read, it is a PIA to take apart and re-assemble the right hand fork. ('99 ST, ABS etc.)

Is this so? There is no mention of any difficulties in any of the manuals, but I am lead to understand that the replacing of the spring is difficult.

And the L/H fork???

Can anybody enlighten me on this?


Hi creeture3,
           first step is do you have a workshop manual as I would start by getting one from the web free. Otherwise get a HC Haynes or Clymer.

The second step is to actually workout what you need to do. Changing fork oil does not require fork dis-assembly. You need only to remove the fork caps and springs to drain and refill. Removing the forks from the bike makes it easier to set the fork oil level but others do it in situ


I did the fork seals in my '99 (ABS,TCS etc) and had no issues pulling the forks apart except the bolts in the lowers that hold the assembly together were very, very tight and had to be drilled and an easy out used to remove them. New ones from Honda weren't that expensive.

There is a manual available here, look at the top sticky in the 1100 section.

Removing the forks etc. and stripping them is not a problem. I just have the idea that the re-assembly of the l/h fork is difficult because of the anti dive and spring being very hard to compress, particularly to get a spacer collar in?


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