True Bill...true
...who'd have thought that a fat thumb and iphone were capable of freudian slips ;-)
So there ya's have it...for those of yas that have spent $$$ on after market air filters and that have the discarded OEM still buried somewhere in the shed, go dig it up and go to town scrubbing it in the laundry sink, you'll be suprised how resiliant it is
But if no scrubing brush at hand and U spot a carton of washing powder (like cold power), about, then poor a
sparing amount in about 2-3 inches of cold water and just slosh the filter back and forth in it for a few minutes, then rinse as shown in the pic above using hot(ish) water, rotating the filter, then hang out to dry for a few days. Job done.
The reason laundry detergents work will is because they're an alkline. You can test this for yourself, just get a small amount, wet a finger, then poke it into the powder. It'll become quite warm quite quickly. And for those out there old enough, you may remember the old
Terco cleaning baths in garages and being told not to touch it, but ya did anyway! Well laundry power works the same way, only the ph isnt as brutal as Terco.
Too easy...the can :-)