Honda ST1300 Section > Plastic, Fairings, Panniers and Top Box's 1300

Stop that rattle....luggage that is.

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Well I've had my bike a few weeks now and put some nice fresh K's on it .
So far its all been great fun learning a new machine, fixing some little things like those panel clips and things you find with a second hand bike. In all nothing but a bit of age and TLC stuff.
The previous owner did a good job of looking after it all.


How do you stop those panniers from shaking about on rough roads?

I live along a corrugated road over a few grids and these boxes get a good rattle going which is just crap and sounds awful.
What is the fix?

Hi Gatey
On my 1100 I put a thin sheet of rubber or similar between the top box and the mounting plate and it stops the rattling.
I notice a lot of top boxes shaking/rattling and this will fix the problem

Round one to me.

Cut two narrow strips of close cell foam and glued them onto the contact face's of both lock down lever's so they press directly on the two rubber plugs on the pannier box's.
The lock's close down without excess pressure as normal. Its removed about 6mm of upward movement and the pannier still sits in the normal position.
I'll add a 3mm disc of rubber to both bumper blocks at the rear end of the panniers to reduce the in/out movement too.
So far so good.

OK I had a short run of 65km today out over my road then all the usual bumps to town and I can say the padding has worked very well. It's reduced the rattles by more than 1/2.
Much better now.

Not found it an issue on the 1300 but it was on the 1100.....put a small bolt and wing nut on through the rubber from pannier to mudguard......did the trick

Or same fix as a rattling dash in the car.....turn the stereo up  :thumbsup



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