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Planning for travel at Christmas time?


Anyone planning to cover some distance at Christmas time?
Let us know here what you'll be getting up to around Christmas (bike plans. or any interesting adventure!).

My family and I usually travel to my Mums around Christmas time. She lives in Crookwell in NSW.
In the past few years I have taken my 80 series Landcruiser and camper trailer and have visited the Vic and NSW high country's, as well as some national parks along the way.

I also have an Aunt and Uncle that live on the NSW south coast.
All these areas seem to have nice bike riding roads. 

So I am considering modifying the camper trailer by removing the tent and building an alternative tailgate/ramp and taking the bike along. I'd like to take the bike on it's own but I have the gang to take.. and it is a 2500k round trip (without detours!).
That will mean that I will need to revert back to a tent and basic o'night gear, but that's ok.

Once I get to Crookwell my wife and I can head of and cover some touring distance on the bike..

If you are coming down let me now as I am in Canberra just down the road. Lots of different roads to explore, many near Crookwell.  South coast has a lot to offer as well.

Sounds good, Saaz! Talk more once I know how I go with the trailer!


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