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"Silver Steak" by Seattle Phil's Jodie


John Meara:
Just been digging around in my old files and found this poem I'd saved from one of the US ST forums:

Silver Streak, by Jodie (partner of Phil Fleming a.k.a. SeattlePhil)

Silver Streak…  so classy and unique
On his screensaver…  top of the heap.

Your sleek silver body racing thru the tight “twisties”,
cruising down the highway,
Heightening all of his senses, magnifying every motion,
making him feel completely alive, as if he is flying into heaven,
loosing himself in the thrill and the freedom…  “at one” with his machine.

Truly a beautiful ride, sexy silver curves
A sight to behold.

You were perfection from the moment he laid eyes on you.
Strong and reliable, silky smooth power and luxurious comfort.

Just needed a few “Farkles” to make you “his”…
A Russell seat with leather inserts
A back rest and matching for the passenger seat (to ride “two up”)
A throttlemaster and back off safety switch.

Lookin’ good now!!!!

No silver helmet yet…  But I’m sure that’s on the list.
Cruising down the open road, a sight that’s hard to miss.

The love of his life, the “toy” of his dreams, you’ve captured his heart,
filling him with adrenalin rushes and endorphins.

So when he throws his leg over and straddles your tank,
please take care of him and keep him out of harm’s way.

For I’ll be waiting for you to bring him safely home to me.

You’re one hell of a bike!!!!


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