General Category > LONG DISTANCE RIDING, Proper preparation, Safety and Tips

Discussion on Roads to Avoid....

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Don't know if this is a good idea or not, but if you know of a road that really shouldn't be traversed, and you think other LD riders should know about it - why not highlight it and put it on this thread.

Tell us WHY it is bad, as your reasons may make others immune - i.e. it's 20kms of rough dirt!   <------- doesn't worry a Veradero rider. Also - put the road name up first for quick recognition.

One that comes to mind for me is the Killarney-Woodenbong stretch.

Has anyone done Tenterfield to Woodenbong in recent years?  It was a corrugated horror years ago, but would be a possible interesting alternative to the Cunningham/ Warwick boredom.

We did the Woodenbong to Tenterfield via Urbenville & Bonalbo August last year on our way south, and that bit of road was the worst sealed road I have ever ridden on. I was seriously worried about the tyres and suspension. It was horrific but sounds like the alternative through Killarney is worse. I never lost the mirror covers.  :grin

Excellent, thanks Skip.  Already this thread is proving valuable.

It may be wise to have a separate thread for each state, since I'm sure we're going to end up with an encyclopedia of woe here   :eek

Mods?  Come on, earn your pay!   :popcorn


--- Quote from: Biggles on February 07, 2013, 08:32:10 PM ---
Mods?  Come on, earn your pay!   :popcorn

--- End quote ---

Although I must admit... - Biggles did have a point..... Problem is though, you may have to chase a few different threads if planning an interstate ride - for instance I'm in to 4 states to get to Middleton... Thoughts?

Cheers, Diesel


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