Interesting article here: did not use a float level template:
"Next, I’m going to set the float level. As with anything else, the float level is very important. All of mine measured different from the factory. Factory spec is 7mm. 3 of mine were at 8mm and one was at 9mm. Very lean emission settings. I set them all to 7mm. Equivalent to .275” if using a dial caliper."
"As seen in my pictures, the measurement gets taken from the side flat of the carb body to the outer top seam of the float. This is how the factory does it, and so do I. If adjustment is needed, I use a pick, and either bend the float tab up, or down, to get the correct measurement. I also have the carb bank tilted up, so the floats won’t depress the springs in the float needles. The needles are lightly seated to get an accurate measurement."