Hmm, I don't recall having that issue, but I'll be out on the bike (weather permitting) on Sunday, so I'll give "Home" a try...
Sorry Dave, I forgot all about trying "Home" after the RTE...
I'll try to remember next time I go for a ride!
Hi Dave, sorry, the Alzheimer's must of kicked in and I forgot to tell you I got to try "home" out a few weeks ago...
Anyhow, it worked perfectly so not sure why yours isn't/wasn't working...
Having a closer look at the Waze map, it shows nothing out here- no roads seem to exist, dirt or otherwise, nor do any towns, which would explain it having trouble finding it's way home.
I have gone back to Google maps, and a separate speedo on the phone screen if I want one.
On the plus side, the screen seems to be working well so far.