General Category > Games, and More Games

Photo Tag Game


We could almost justify having a Games sections, since any games seem to just go under "General".  Maybe someone could make one, and move the games under it.

Anyway, I've been playing a Photo Tag game on the Glacial Lakes MC Club forum where I've also been playing their Grand Tour Mural game, which is still open to join, but will cost money to participate.

So if anyone would like to join in the Tag game, it's free to join GLMC and you can then have a look at the thread:

There's another Aussie participating, appropriately nicknamed "DownUnder".

I will look into it..

There has always been a games section.  People just didn't use it, just like people ignore the "Ride Reports to still be posted in the Ride Reports Section" in the state pages.

Oh, and there's a photo tag thread as well.   :rofl


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