Honda ST1100 Section > Plastic, Fairings, Panniers and Top Box's 1100
ST1100 Steering Stem bung
If you have raised your handlebars and your original cover no longer fits then the steering stem tube can be exposed to the weather.
It's fairly easy to come up with something to fill the hole, but in case you are interested and have access to a 3D printer or a friend who has one then here is a link to a simple plastic bung that I created. You could add a Honda badge to it if you wanted to.
I have a 3D printer as well, so if someone wants one of these, PM me and I'll cook one and post it off to you.
(Thanks for the design Rodd. Do you reckon PETG be better than PLA for this print?)
I printed mine out in PLA and it should be fine for what it is used for. You could also paint it f you were worried about sunlight affecting it.
I cooked up one today in PLA and have sent it off to an OzSTOC member. Thanks again for the design Rodd, and making it available.
You are all welcome.
I saw a post on here where a member was after the plastic infill piece that fits in beside each mirror (when the Police light brackets aren't being used).
I am having a go at creating these so that they can be 3D printed and will let you know once it is ready.
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