Farkles, Gear & Accessories > Cams, Cam Mounts, Editing Software...
So you like your GoPro pix from the bike?
A still taken from a video filmed from the back of an eagle as it soars over Paris after taking off from the Eiffel tower. In a world first, a white-tailed eagle soared from the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and flew over the Seine down into the Trocadero Gardens with a camera mounted on its back.
From "The Telegraph" Week in Pictures.
The cam's lens makes the horizon look like curvature from much further away. Can't fault the clarity tho and the wonderful Paris skyline with the glorious restriction of building height and conservation of heritage architecture.
The City of Light is on my bucket list! :thumb
--- Quote from: ST.George on March 12, 2015, 06:53:49 PM ---The cam's lens makes the horizon look like curvature from much further away.
--- End quote ---
GoPro uses a fish eye type lens though you can remove the effect in their editor........not sure how it works but I select the option to remove it in the edit stage.
Just revisited that- it's on Youtube now.
It's actually a Sony action cam.
Watch the eagle deploy the flap and spoilers in the flare!
:eek Wow! :popcorn :thumb
Apparently an eagle's Birth Certicate is also a Pilot's Licence.
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