OzSTOC Events National & Local > NATIONAL EVENTS

2024 - National Rally - Mansfield - Shakedown

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Pete, nicely put and under my suggested / requested headings - me likey!

Thanks for the feedback thus far, good learning outcomes……keep them coming please  :-++



--- Quote from: Williamson on March 19, 2024, 01:55:28 PM ---Not-so-good
   *   Group pic location - poor choice - mea culpa.

--- End quote ---

In my opinion it wasn't so much the location but more the time of the photo shoot...
If we'd done the group photo in the morning I think the location would have been fine.  :popcorn


I would like to say a HUGE THANKYOU to our wonderful & generous members that donated
all the food & the extra prizes which contributed to making the 2024 NatRally a great success!


A great  at Rally - thanks to Michael and Crew for a job well done and a most enjoyable weekend!

Like Biggles, I am a member of a number of groups who use WhatsApp. Fully encrypted and secure and we creat a separate chat for each event - it works well.


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