Honda ST1100 Section > Suspension ST1100

Honda st 1100 rear shock needed.

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Hi .just bought a 2000st 1100p.   Been told it needs a new rear shock as mine has had it.  Where can I get hold of one quickly.  I live in Perth wa

I have 2 in the shed, not sure of the condition but you are welcome to them

Probably best to get a new one on it. Thanks anyway.just don't know how to get one quick

A trip to Yorkies at least will get you back on the road.

Who told you it was shot? How many Ks on the bike, mine has 163000 plus Ks, and the shoky is still ok.

Which area in Perth are you, I'm in Kinross

I'm near Rockingham. mechanics at local bike shop say it's had it.  It's ex police with 90k.  Definitely doesn't feel right on the rear. What is Yorkies.  How much am I looking at


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