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I'm too Old, Too Fat & Too Unfit For This...

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After around 12 years of it hanging in the garage, I finally dragged the old push bike down yesterday and gave it a wash...

After pumping up the tyres and giving it the once over I figured I'd better drag out the helmet so I could take it for a spin.

Well, a lap around the block and I'd had enough...I'm too old, too fat & too unfit!  :rofl

Does anyone want to buy a pushie, one careful owner and it's only been ridden to church on Sundays... :whistle

but that’s what it does…gets you fit, turns you into a lean,mean cycling machine 😄

and keeps the nees in shape .

The reason I bought the bike in the first place was to lose weight!

It didn't work, I've put weight on since buying it...

Apparently you need to actually ride told me that!!!  :||||  :rofl

I've taken mine on the trains to the last station on the Belair and Seaford lines and ridden it home from there.


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