Farkles, Gear & Accessories > Construction and Major Projects

MMoto Luggage racks - anyone had any experience with them?

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Product can be found here: http://www.mmotoparts.com/product/complete-racks-luggage-rack-system-for-honda-st1100-pan-european

They look the goods and Im seriously considering purchasing some for my trip arouns Australia at the end of the year

If anyone has any helpful info, I'd be happy to hear it

I suppose if your riding solo then it would be ok but it would be hard to access side case locks etc if rack was packed.

Putting gear above the panniers has the potential to obstruct your view in the mirrors. If you have higher (extra) mirrors, as I know some ST11 owners have, then not so much of a problem.

Good point. I had thought of just putting some convex stick on mirrors on the existing mirrors to stop the issue. Mind you, I head check more than rely on my mirrors.

Im getting fairly excited about the whole trip, though doing the NT and WA in the December heat will probably temper the enthusiasm a bit. Hopefully it doesn't flood!

Looks like a good system, not much more than just buying the Givi plate itself.


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