General Category > Active Polls

Member Mobile Numbers

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No problem for me. Some of you have it already.

(Streak has had it and my address several times)

Poppy Dave:
Yeah, no worries. Mines a Silent number but I have no problems with OZSTOC members.

Poppy Dave                                           :wht13

I don't have an issue with a text message though that doesn't mean I'll read it the same day it's sent as so far I haven't got into the habit of taking a phone with me everywhere I go.

Graham did have mine but I'm not sure if I gave him the new number when I changed providers.

Thanks everyone for your replies and confidence in us  :-++

Couple of points from and confidentially will be paramount and only the Moderation team of Saaz, Brock, Pockey and myself will have access to your number PERIOD !!......even if a member contacts us to enquire if we have another members number that they require for an urgent purpose, the generic answer from the Mod contacted will be "I will need to contact that member first to ensure they are willing to accept a call an provision of their number"  :phone

Obviously we can all continue to exchange numbers via PM etc to our hearts content......just always consider privacy of fellow members  ;-*

Thanks for your input  :beer

I have my mob# posted in my profile, and will always treat the numbers I have from members with confidence. ++


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