Honda ST1300 Section > Suspension ST1300

Rust Spots on Upper Forks

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I took the tuperware off today to check a small wiring issue, and spotted some small rust spots on my upper forks.  They seem to be above the area upon which the fork seals operate.   How can I best clean this area, get rid of the spots, and what lube or treatment could prevent it from becoming worse.  I've attached a couple of photos of the left fork to illustrate the problem.

Pretty common with all bikes, it starts just above the max travel point. A bit of scotch brite used gently will remove the spots, and then give a wipe with an oily rag. Maybe, Mr Sheen might work as well, but you need to re oil/sheen regularly, as the area is subject to a lot of water spray (and mybe salt in ocean side areas.

Thanks Brock.   I'm reluctant to use scotch pads as they contain glass which will scratch chrome.  At work we used to de-rust blued gun barrels with steel wool as it wouldn't touch the metal or the blue.  So I guess steel wool (not the stainless variety) would be OK as that is softer than chrome, but will need careful cleanup to get rid of any residual fibres.

It doesnt require much in the way of pressure, so a few quick wipes should do the trick

Probably not pertinent to this particular post, but whenever I've had my forks aparts to replace seals, dampers, springs, oil, etc... I always strip the top tubes out and polish them with 2400 wet'n'dry and lanolin spray. By wrapping the paper around the tube after spraying it with lubricant, and sliding the tube back and forth with a twisting motion, essentially a figure 8 kinda...  you end up with a nice cross hatch polish on the tube.

I've never had a fork leak after doing this and the crosshatch helps to carry oil into the top bearings in the lower fork unit before it's wiped off by the seal.


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