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Road Motorcycle Boot Design Advice

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Hello Team,
                 I have been contacted by one of my work boot suppliers who are looking at making a Road Unisex Motorcycle boot, and have asked me for advice in what people look for in a road orientated boot.

Could you please give me good constructive feedback on what are the major points you look for in a boot, such as comfort, design, safety aspects, style, and the like.

This is not for a special OzSTOC design, it is to help a supplier build & design a boot for market (and hopefully I could stock and sell to)

Thank You!

*example image only



1)Waterproof  :thumb
2)Wearable all year no matter what the temp  :thumb
3)Able to wear on the bike and then walk around in them i.e save carrying additional walking shoes or boots :thumbs
4)Longevity - My Gaerne waterproof riding boots are now 5 years old and still doing the job, although the sole is wearing a bit. They were soft enough on day one to ride in and then walk around.  :thumbsup

***And tassle's, they need tassle's, lovely sparkly tassle's***  :KissBlow

Waterproof, Breathable, halfway up the lower leg, Ankle protection, NO laces, Oil resistant silicone sole..... :think1


Zip sides, with a waterproof flap covering,
A decent sole like a work boot. (I hate those thin ones that wear out in 6 months.

A wide short fitting would be really nice, my foot is size8 long and 9 wide ( high instep as well)

I recently bought new road boots and I looked for protection, comfortable fit, able to walk in them, waterproof and cover over the opening, good grippy sole and NO tassles.  :p


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