Hi all,
This came up in the Members Health & Wellbeing section on the forum.
It's been suggested that attendees bring RAT kits and test two days before, and again on arrival.
There is also a PCR testing station at Tailem Bend for those coming through from Victoria which doesn't require any appointment.
Other PCR testing stations on the main routes into Mannum from eastern states are n Lameroo, Berri, Loxton & Waikerie
There is a PCR testing station also at Murray Bridge hospital, bookings required, which is the closest point to Mannum, with Tailem Bend the next closest. Mt Barker is next, closer to Adelaide.
However, as you'd be aware, a PCR test does require isolation until a negative result is provided.
At this stage, there are no widespread mandates for masks in SA, and the belief is that we are at our peak with the current wave, so we should see a decrease in case numbers.
Masks are required in high risk settings such as health care (including pharmacies) so make sure you bring some with you.
However, we hope you all take into consideration the risks that may be around & take whatever precautions you believe you need to take for yourself and others. Masking up is acceptable in SA.