Honda ST1100 Section > Electrics & Electronics - Volts, Amps and Fuses ST1100

Police Grip switching circuit simplified.

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--- Quote from: tifkat on February 04, 2019, 03:33:06 PM ---Brock,

Do you still have this drawing and could put it up again somewhere?


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Will this one do?

The link has been updated

Hi Brock,

I'm restoring a New South Wales Police Honda ST1100PY and am currently in the process of installing the emergency lights and siren.

I understand from various sources that Hazard Systems strobe and siren controllers were used to equip these bikes for the Sydney Olympics, which doesn't present a problem as I have all the gear needed to make that happen, however, I noticed in your "simplified" diagramme that there are two relays, one each for siren and emergency lights. Do you know if these were Honda supplied, and if so, do you know if they were used by NSWPOL, and one more if so, if they were used by NSWPOL any idea where I can find the part numbers?

--- Quote from: Brock on August 13, 2012, 10:20:55 PM ---Here is a link to a simplified colour circuit for the police switch grip.

Link updated 04 Feb 19

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The relays, are in the cluster of relays in the nose of the bike. Standard fit for the bike.


I have sent an email with the ST1100 police supplement, and wiring diagram

Great info
Diagram is a great help


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