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Emailed the Balranald District Ex-Services Memorial Club this PM, booked dinner for 16 to 18.  Received confirmation from Jules that we are booked in the dinning room.

I'm heading off in around 12 hours, overnight at the Royal Mail Hotel in Wycheproof, see youse sometime after lunch on Satdee.

Who's bringing the flags?  I've got the VIC flag packed, as well as a coffee mug for Brock (via WAG) and a NatRally Pack for Supafrog.
General Discussion / Re: Driving an electric car from Sydney to Melbourne
« Last post by ruSTynutz on May 09, 2024, 04:19:47 PM »
As for buying one...if Sue & I buy a new car in the foreseeable future it certainly won't be an EV for the following reasons...

Price - paying probably an extra $20,000 over the top of an equivalent ICE vehicle would definitely be out of the question.
Driving Range - with my current car offering around twice the range of an EV why would I want to go for something with way less? I suffer enough range anxiety with my ST1300 at
Charging Costs - While people with EVs skite about being able to charge their EV at home for free it's not actually free if you've had to spend probably 20 grand installing solar panels and a battery just so you can do it.
Also, with recent soaring charging costs there doesn't seem to be much difference between that and what it would cost for fuel these days.
Lost time while charging an EV - When I do a road trip I often just want to get to where I'm going in the quickest possible time with the bare minimum of stops and having to possibly wait for access to a charger and the time spent charging means I won't be able to travel as far in a day as I would in my diesel.
Road Tax - With currently no road tax on EVs it's only a matter of time before the Federal Government introduces one which will obviously decrease any advantage an EV MAY have over a ICE vehicle.
Towing - I like to tow a trailer at times and yes, I know I could do that with an EV but that greatly reduces its traveling range, something that is way less of an issue with an ICE vehicle.
Heating & Cooling - Using either in an EV is going to reduce driving range, using either in my diesel makes basically no difference to its fuel consumption.
Cheers  :beer

Just an add-on as to why I wouldn't buy an EV...

Replacement Battery Cost - The cost of replacing the battery in an EV can cost you an arm & a leg...
I'm sure anyone with the slightest interest in EVs has heard about the Canadian Hyundai Ioniq 5 owner being charged 60,000 Canadian dollars to have his EV battery replaced?
That's not a misprint...That works out to be something like $68,000 Aussie dollars!
Since then another Ioniq 5 owner has come out and confirmed the replacement cost is indeed C$60,000... >:()

Yet more add-ons... :whistle

No spare tyre - The vast majority of EVs don't come with a spare.  :||||
Depreciation - EVs depreciate faster than an ICE car...
General Discussion / Re: Where is this - game
« Last post by ruSTynutz on May 09, 2024, 03:55:20 PM »
Oh, I forgot to mention, that's Wilsons Promontory off in the distance...

How times have changed...  I can remember buying a top of the line 5 Megabyte hard drive for $250 back in the early 80's, and now look at 3 sub-miniature usb drives on my desktop which have 2 Terabytes (2000 Gigabytes each) capacity, which only cost $8 each, including postage and delivery from China.

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