Author Topic: ST1100 Two Wheels magazine tests  (Read 3852 times)

Offline saaz

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ST1100 Two Wheels magazine tests
« on: May 04, 2012, 07:31:01 PM »
I found these while cleaning out the magazine colelction. I got the magazines from Lifeline bookfair, not when they were originally sold.  I think the 91 article got it right, as the ST11 went on to do quite ok everywhere.  Makes you wonder sometimes what magazine testers real world ownership experience really is.
(Ridden on and forever in our hearts)
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Offline Greencan

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Re: ST1100 Two Wheels magazine tests
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2012, 08:16:53 PM »
Good Evening fellow retiree and cheers old Boy!.... :beer

...that's the pleasantries done with, have ya had a clear out of that shed of yours...I am still willing to provide a jolly decent home for those un-wanted exhaust mufflers :thumbs

Oh and great articles by the way...saw a very clean silver 1990 1100 at Maldon last Sunday...I was actually quite envious as in a couple of years it'll be eligible for classic reg here in Vic :grin

Anyway, better be off, will be in touch soon, re those space wasters you have hanging up in the shed.

Hoo Roo, Dick :)

Offline saaz

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Re: ST1100 Two Wheels magazine tests
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2012, 09:33:36 PM »
No problem Dick. I found the box with the mufflers in it, and even the little bit broken off that could be welded back on with reinforcing.

Mine is a 96 and hard to think that it is 16 years old. many of the first ones are still going, and I can see why.

Too roo  :beer
(Ridden on and forever in our hearts)
1996 Honda ST1100P
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Offline alans1100

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Re: ST1100 Two Wheels magazine tests
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 10:05:11 PM »
I have to agree with the 1100 seeming best at around the 4000rpm plus though I havent exceeded 140kph on mine, yet. We all have our moments, but for me I'm rarely over 100 to 110kph most times.

The only other bike I can compare the 1100's braking to is my old 1982 CX500 Turbo which is the only other triple disc bike I've had. The 1100 (a lot heavier) pulls up better than that from 110kph but my 1100 has ABS so it's not a fair comparison.

I also disagree with their transverse description of the V4 as the 1100 and 1300 are longitudinally mounted.
1999 :bl11  2004 :13Candy

FarRider #921- BR15, BR17, CR1


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Re: ST1100 Two Wheels magazine tests
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 10:38:55 AM »
I enjoyed reading those articles, thanks for posting them saaz.

I actually found a very nice looking ad for a K1100RT when I was looking for a bike, and was very close to going to have a look at it.  It was only really the crappy fuel range that put me off, otherwise I may well have been riding one now.  (I think the older BMW's were better built than the recent ones). 

Offline Greencan

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Re: ST1100 Two Wheels magazine tests
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 07:27:27 PM »
Evenin' All...

Ta for that John, much appreciated...will try and arrange a time to catch up...I am 'batching' it for a couple of months so I might jump in the car one day for a trip to the Capitol...will see.

Presently have the bike apart (again  :() 'resolved' H2O leak has reoccurred, which wasn't in the script...tis that pesky thermostat by-pass line with that most common of I.D's 5.3mm (7/32"), NOT! >:( 

...anyway I have chosen to gain access it by the Ear Nose and Throat surgeon who takes the Proctologist's approach of undertaking a tonsillectomy by going in via the bum...I have removed the fuel tank and gained access from below and behind :eek ...Anyway I'll try and track down some 7/32" ID hose next week.

Anyway best get back to the topic...A Mate here recently picked up an '84 1000 'Brick' for a grand, it also came with heaps of leather jackets, full leather suits, Cord Jackets and pants, hand crafted 'Medal' boots (3 pairs), tools, spares and 4 draw filing cabinet...looks good, but dunno if it's a goer without spending a few bob on it. I was surprised of the level of electronic gizmos on it, just wonder if they'll all work when he gets to power it up...will see.

In any case I personally think that the ST's now look less dated that all of the 'Bricks' of the same period :p.

Ciao, the can :)

Offline saaz

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Re: ST1100 Two Wheels magazine tests
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2012, 07:36:14 PM »
Dick, I agree on the styling question..nuff said.

For that thermostat bypass hose, try getting some EFI hose.  It is far better quality and will outlast the bike. Pressure rated, heat rated etc etc. The original hose on mine was brittle and ready the fail anytime.  Some people in the US put me on to the EFI hose. I am also going to use it for the overflow hose, as the end becoming brittle and needing trimming annoys me.
(Ridden on and forever in our hearts)
1996 Honda ST1100P
2014 Triumph Trophy SE
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