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Caravan Touring - Resources for finding free and low cost overnight stops

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What resources are you using for finding free and low cost camping sites for caravan touring?

Wikicamps Australia has become quite "buggy" and keeps crashing on me, so I've downloaded the Camps Austrtalia Wide (CAW) app.   However, CAW seems to have a whole lot less sites than Wiki.    I'm curious to hear what others are using.


--- Quote from: Brock on August 28, 2023, 03:59:46 PM ---That tyre turned left with out indicating, and you cant park a dunny door there..

--- End quote ---

What the.....   Have I missed something?

I some how replied here to another thread..


I asked an instagram friend what they do and she said:

--- Quote ---I am in a Free/ Low Cost Caravan page on Facebook, also Showgrounds Camping.
We do a lot of Showgrounds but they are getting a bit expensive in certain places and sometimes I can get a good deal at Caravan Parks.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: StinkyPete on August 28, 2023, 07:28:35 AM ---What resources are you using for finding free and low cost camping sites for caravan touring?

Wikicamps Australia has become quite "buggy" and keeps crashing on me, so I've downloaded the Camps Austrtalia Wide (CAW) app.   However, CAW seems to have a whole lot less sites than Wiki.    I'm curious to hear what others are using.

--- End quote ---

There's Campermate:
I've had no personal experience with the app though... :popcorn


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