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Dale McLean put me onto this one.   If you have a bunch of MP3 files on your computer or iPod, you can run this program over the files, and it evens out the volume on the files, so that one song doesn't blow your brains out, and the next one can't be heard.    Works a treat.

Installed this a year or 2 ago, causes blank periods in music on my Zumo 660, I will try again as it may be a newer version.


--- Quote from: Yorkie on June 16, 2014, 08:49:19 PM ---Installed this a year or 2 ago, causes blank periods in music on my Zumo 660, I will try again as it may be a newer version.

--- End quote ---

I ran it over my new Garmin 590, as well an an iPod full of audio,  and it's worked very well for both.


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