Honda ST1300 Section > Electrics & Electronics - Volts, Amps and Fuses ST1300


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Whilst the bike is waiting for parts to repair the shift problem,
I thought I'd investigate the whir, clunk, brr, brr, click, click, whir noise in the nose cone.
Turns out the headlight aim is adjustment via the knob on the left of the dash
activates a motor, reference 1.2 to 10.4 VDC, to aim the headlight reflectors.
Anyway it goes through a self test on start up, hence the noise.
Trouble is they don't sell them separately and the purchase of an entire headlight unit is required.
$1180 AUD. No thanks.  :cuss
So if anyone has a broken/smashed headlight unit please let me know.
In the meantime I will just leave it disconnected and focus it manually.

Now while I'm in here guess I should grease those windscreen slides & ..... & .... &

And, may I suggest....  this!

$1180 AUD.

Now thats a scary thought, me thinks a headlight cover could be usefull.


Item 4 in this is what you want. $54 US plus postage. Must be available in Australia, but at what price??

Perhaps use to see if a local wrecker has a busted headlight.
If you can't access the article I can try and get it somehow.

Armed with a part number, you could try a dealer in the USA or England.
Part finder had a 3 places on the East coast with ST1300 parts. It's well worth enquiring.



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