BREAKING NEWS!! Diesel & Streak Are Retiring!Well after 3 years, 3 National Rally's, 2 OzSTOC Weddings, and 680 odd members, Diesel & Streak have decided to retire from the leadership of OzSTOC!
It has been a privilege and an honour to serve and help build this wonderful club to the position it is in now.
We got into this with the idea to find some people to ride our bikes with, and see some parts of of Australia while we where at it.....we step back with lots of people to ride bikes with, and lots of Australia explored while we where at it.
But we are not going anywhere, we will still be here, but we will be just regular members, letting the new leadership of the club make their own mark, and we will be just enjoying the RTE's and the people.
The new leadership as announced at the National Rally dinner is as below:
Saaz, Pocket Stocker, & ST2UPWe put months of work into our decision to step down, and choose our replacements, they have our full confidence and support to keep OzSTOC heading in right direction.
Official handover is not until the 1st of June 2014, as there is lots of work to do to make sure everything is done in a smooth simple transition.
Diesel will add his own ten cents here, but, from myself thanks goes to my wife Teela, who was patient and understanding to all the time she gave up as I was on club duty, Second goes to Diesel, I never thought the tall joking nutter would become a groomsman at my wedding and my best mate, also thanks to everyone who took my phone calls, emails, PM's, Facebook messages, smoke signals helping me get stuff done, special mention goes to Saaz, Abe, Sabie, Scarp, Marcus, Brock, Whizz, Leo, Biggles, Tipsy and heck everyone who has given me advice and let me bounce ideas off them.
Thank you OzSTOC