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My other computer's a phone.

I play with Asterisk so i can safely say that some of my computers ARE a phones :-) ..... but back on track i have been using Bubbler for a while now. I purchased the full edition as it allows you to save more locations between signal access and have lower times between pings. Love it. Makes Mrs more comfortable when i am on a long run.

I am a strong supporter of Bubbler as well.  Used it on the trip around oz and a few others.


--- Quote from: tj189 on October 31, 2014, 07:50:05 PM ---I am a strong supporter of Bubbler as well.  Used it on the trip around oz and a few others.

--- End quote ---
I got onto it after reading about your trip around the paddock .....

Have been playing around with the IOS version called SWconnect......so far so good, but still in the early stages.......have a SPOT2 but have not activated the tracking for the extra coin. The SWconnect that works through SPOTwalla is a free app and I have 5gig data plan.

I real guess it depends on how much time you plan spending outside your mobile carriers area of coverage.....particularly when we are on sealed roads mostly, is rare when moving that your outside coverage for more than an hour or so on telstra espeacily  :think1



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