I'll bet I'm as anal as Wombat about fuel monitoring, and I love a good fuel argument (with figures!)
Here's my last 30 refuellings extracted from my 17 column spreadsheet:
18.53 91
18.58 91
17.31 91
17.77 91
18.54 91
16.86 91
17.49 91
14.60 91
15.17 91
18.64 91
20.22 91
18.03 91
17.80 91
15.51 91 X
17.65 91
16.45 91
19.73 91
9819.98 91
20.80 91
18.76 91
9819.50 91
18.78 91
18.84 91
18.67 91
17.52 91
18.17 91
18.90 91
My thesis is the economy depends more on the trip than the fuel.
For example, the economy of 15.51 km/litre was all city riding, whereas all the rest had varying amounts of out-of-town riding.
The 19.98 km/l achieved on 98 RON was not as good as the 20.8 from the next tank which was 91 PULP
19.5 km/l on 98 RON was good to see, but so was 20.22 on 91 RON further up the table.
By all means spend 10+ ¢/l on Premium if you can feel it doing the bike good. It's only around $2 for an average top-up.
I refuelled 73 times in 2013, so the 71 times I used 91 saved me around $142 or about 4x 25 litre fills.
So I reckoned I filled up four times for free compared with using 98 RON.