On the run back home from Silverton, I noticed a vibration being transmitted through the footpegs. It was more noticeable when travelling over undulations where is would show when the suspension unloaded. It is definitely speed ralated as the frequency of the grumble or vibration changes with speed. On the centrestand and in gear it sounds quite untidy.
I drained the final drive oil and it's clean with no metal present. I had the rear wheel off today and the drive rubbers are fine, the bearings feel good and brake is fine. Drive splines all look OK. She goes into the dealer tomorrow for a diagnosis, and the service manager suspects a knackered UV joint.
This is a bugger, as she's now off the road.

I guess I'll have to mow lawns, dig vegies, mind grandies, hide in my shed while wearing my helmet, cook, and do dishes and other domestic tasks until she's well again.