Honda ST1300 Section > Plastic, Fairings, Panniers and Top Box's 1300

Pannier lid replacement

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Hi guys, I have need to replace a right side lid on the pannier. I am obtaining quotes now but thought the brains trust of Ozstoc might be able to steer me in the right direction for the best deal.

would help if we had model, year and colour of the bike

Alan, It's an achilles black 2008 model. Lid just shattered when a mate on a beamer couldn't stop quick enough and his awkward boxer engine clipped the pannier!

Down Under:

I had to replace the left lid about 12 months ago.  Found one on ebay that didn't match the colour of my bike so I got it painted locally and it was still about $450 cheaper than a new one!

They are hard to come by, as they are one of the first things to be broken.  I bought a second hand one of someone who was on the original list to eventually replace my right hand one, which is patched up.


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