Here's your opportunity to provide some feedback re. the 2024 National Rally at Mansfield.
Nominate what you thought was good or not-so-good, and what could be done better, so that us VIC's can provide an even better 2034 (or whenever) NatRally, and of course so that the 2025 NatRally SEQ organisers can consider including in their arrangements. I'll start with:
* Venue - Mansfield was an excellent choice.
# Caravan park walking distance to dinner venue, cafes, shops. From what I recall, this was like Mannum, Wooli, but unlike Ballarat, Mudgee, Toowoomba.
# Excellent ride opportunities
* Meet & Greet tucker
# Homemade sausage rolls were a hit, as was the mini turkey & cranberry quiches.
# Somosas - I liked 'em, as did many others but apparently there were some softies who thought they were a bit spicey.
# Sausage sizzle - also a hit.
# The mini lemon & cream and choccy tarts were a hit - at least I think Johnny enjoyed 'em.
* Awards - special gifts made this a little more special.
* Coffee mugs & stubby holders - both were a hit.
* Guest speaker, informative, interesting and most of all, personal experiences of OzSTOC members, and we saved some $$.
* Communication - trying to get advice, reminders, replies from a many was difficult to the spread of accommodation locations.
* Group pic location - poor choice - mea culpa.
What could be done better
* Comms - I have some ideas. What's yours?
* Group pic location - d'oh!
Okay, when you're replying, please preface your advice, comment, suggestion with the appropriate heading.