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Engine noise

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Hello fellow STers.

I did a run on my ST1300 down the NSW South Coast this week and while everything went great (Even my Harley riding trip buddy was envious of my heated grips and retractable windscreen  in the 10 deg Canberra wind this morning)

However, half way through the trip, my engine developed a very disconcerting noise.

It was intermittent and very hard to pin down exactly where is was coming from  but it sounded like a when small bearing grabs and is spun on the shaft or small gear being stripped. The oil and filter were changed before the trip and the oil is at the correct level. Most of the time (but not all) it appeared to happen when the engine when under load. I thought it might be the clutch slipping but didn't sound loud enough for that. Apart from that the engine was it usual turbine smooth self. But it was hard to enjoy the trip fully when you are expecting an engine failure at any time.

I have only just got home and will get onto it tomorrow but any ideas will be appreciated.


ST13 engines do a lot of "whining" which you come to accept as normal. I recall when I got my second one with only about 5500 klix on it that I had to ask another owner if it was a fault.  I bought my previous one with around 60,000 and didn't notice the "whine" so much.

Part of the problem is, once you tune into the engine, every sound is magnified.

I would like to see you around another ST1300 to compare notes

Thanks for that.

The noise is quite distinct from the George Jetson whine which is present pretty much all the time.  I have done about 3000 kays and have never heard it before. The noise is quite harsh and if I had to pick a source I would say it is coming from high in the front of the engine.

Two sources I thought of are the water pump and balance shafts. Do either of those ever become noisy?

Your best bet would be, as Streak said, get around some other ST's. They do have a sound of there own, which an ST rider would pick even without seeing the bike coming.

What you describe as a George Jetson sound is the sound they make. It's the V4.

On a bike with 3000K, there shouldn't be any engine issues as they aren't run in till after 100,000 plus.



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