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Looking for a Phone Based Tracker

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Greenalp will do that.  The app is called Real-Time GPS Tracker 2 in google play.  I'll send you a DM to show you what is shows.

Bodo I'm guessing Greenalp isn't an emergency beacon thingy in that if you come to grief outside of mobile range it won't send the cavalry?

No.  It just shows your movements in real time that anyone can see if they have the link.


--- Quote from: Langers on February 23, 2024, 04:02:50 PM ---I believe that can be done for an extra $7.95/month taking the basic plan up to $40/month

--- End quote ---

That's getting a bit rich at $480 per year.

Excepting most months you'd be in suspension mode so no where near $480/pa. Use Greenalp when riding around the settled areas, the Zoleo is used when going off grid.


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